
Chen Zheng-Long  陳正隆

  • Ming Dao High School Dept. of Arts and Crafts
  • 明道高級中學美工

  1. 2017 Top 500 Ink-and-Water Painting Outstanding Artists, Ink Global HK.
  2. 2017 Bronze Medal Award of Ink Painting, National Art Exhibition, ROC.
  3. 2013 “Autumn Talk” Nominated by the best Ink Painting, The 18th Municipal Da Dun Fine Arts Award.
  1. 2017"全球水墨畫大展"全球500大水墨菁英/香港
  2. 2017"全國美術展"水墨類 銅牌獎/國立台灣美術館/台灣
  3. 2013"台中市第18屆大墩美展"墨彩類 入選「秋語」/台中

