
Hung Hsiu-Min  洪秀敏

認知和想像空間就是你要表達的挑戰。因為繪畫就是把你內心的圖像轉換成二維空間的畫面; 除了對主題的了解,藝術創作的敏銳度以外,專業技術的把握便是重點

  • Granduated from National College of Arts
  • Awarded Master Degree of Arts, University of Salamanca, Spain
  • Acquired Qualification Certificate of High School Teacher issued by National Taiwan Normal
  • 1987 – 1990 國立藝術專科學校(現名國立臺灣藝術大學)
  • 1990 – 1992 西班牙薩拉曼加大學畢業取得藝術碩士學位
  • 2000 - 2001台灣師範大學取得中等教師資格

  1. 2019 The 47th Annual Exhibition: Enduring Brilliance!
  2. Acquired Qualification Certificate of High School Teacher issued by National Taiwan Normal.
  1. 2019.9月美國粉彩協會47周年展-赫林曼阿姆斯壯獎 (七彩龍蝦協奏曲)
  2. 國立台灣師範大學取得中等教師資格

  1. 2020 Lightspace Time Special Merit Award
  2. 2020 Lightspace Time Special Merit Award
  1. 2020 Lightspace Time Special Merit Award:蕾絲桌巾
  2. 2020 Lightspace Time Special Merit Award:滔滔不絕

  1. Pastel Solo Exhibition in Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts
  1. 個展"粉彩交響詩"-高雄市立美術館,高雄/台灣

  1. Joint Exhibition of Kaohsiung Artists Association
  2. Artworks certified by American Cultural Center
  1. 入選高雄市藝術家聯展
  2. 通過美國文化中心作品審查

